by Vincent | Apr 2, 2020 | Archive
One of the joys of experiencing life cross-culturally, (or indeed, cross-sub-culturally), is that you gain a window into the unprejudiced mind. As we experience our own culture, (or indeed, the various sub-cultures that we are involved in), we begin to form opinions...
by Vincent | Mar 1, 2020 | Archive
There are many aspects that make a good leader, and the best ones are absolutely infectious. Their moods dictating the moods of their followers, their words become a mantra for their people, their actions an example. In this article I want to focus on an invaluable...
by Vincent | Jan 8, 2020 | Archive
Before it became common to worship but a single God, it was common for humans all across the globe to set their allegiance to a pantheon of Gods. Presented with so much choice over worship, the common people would inevitably gravitate towards their own arbitrary...
by Vincent | May 23, 2019 | Archive
The Greatest Lie Mankind Was Told One of the greatest lies men and women have bought into globally is that life is a primarily serious affair. That the actions we partake, the road of our lives, the person we become, must all adhere to some strict standard of conduct...
by Vincent | Mar 15, 2019 | Archive
The Problem With The Way We Think The world is a complex place. Even when we ignore the recent increases in technology, access to knowledge and responsibilities of daily life, the amount of information stored in one human’s brain by their early teens in...
by Vincent | Feb 28, 2019 | Archive
The vast majority of us interact with others multiple times on a daily basis, (this is just a guess, maybe it’s just me), but scarcely do we happen upon just what it is that makes one person a popular hangout and another person not. Whilst this question begs a...